Monday 19 December 2011


When I ask people about what they think about the word HYPNOSIS. They usually get an image of a hypnotist holding a pendulum watch and other person is watching it sway back and forth till his eyes become heavy and he goes to a different state of mind. and then he is possessed by the wizard, In that state called trance the hypnotist can make him do any thing ranging from remembering his past life to programming him to commit murder.
Which I think is totally nonsensical perception of hypnosis and it is not at all this.
Over the years hypnosis has been used by many psychotherapist to cure phobias, fears, and other problems. As I started searching about this topic few names came forward like Milton H Erickson. Milton was an american psychiatrist specialing in medical hypnosis and family therapy. He was considered to be the father of modern hypnosis. I read everything I could find about this cool chap. 
SO MY POINT OF VIEW OF HYPNOSIS is I think is a very common phenomenon that we encounter many several times in our daily life. While trance is a name given to a state we get into when we are hypnotized  According to me when we go inside and search anything in our mind or when we are involved with our-self we are in hypnosis.
When ever we are watching our favorite TV show or movie, you would observe that you become so involved in that, that you forget yourself for a moment and everything around you become invisible cos the only thing you are concentrating at that time is TV. And 1 hour seems like 20 mins. Which is a characteristic of a trance state or hypnotic state which is called as time distortion in HI FI term. 
Hence it is one example out of many of a hypnotic or trance state.

In next section I will put some light on some techniques and explanation why they work. And what goes through our mind and body when we are altered or in trance or in hypnosis.

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